Here you go! Read on below if you enjoy analysing this beyond what's strictly necessary.
If you play like I do, and your main goal is to get five in a row (be it a column, row, or diagonal), you might want to consider this sophisticated and incisive logic about placing your words. Essentially, you can create a hierarchy of which boxes are most to least likely to be part of a winning five-in-a-row, and put your words that are most likely to get ticked off in the likeliest boxes and kick your long shots to the least likely boxes.
Consider this guide. In the center, we have a free space. That automatically means anything along its rows, columns and diagonals is one closer to finishing, and so more probable options should be placed in these boxes. That explains all of those Es across the bingo, where you should dump your longest shots with the least chance of happening, as they're not likely to be part of a successful solution anyway. Hence, me chucking options in there like "deep cut" or "strategic blunder" I'm not expecting, or which are leftovers from my brainstorm I haven't fit anywhere else.
The As have it all: diagonals with the free space, rows and columns. That means you should put options practically certain to have there, like some discussion of tax. So do the Bs, but they're not quite as attractive because you'll be putting your least attractive options on rows and columns with them. You can still chuck in near-certainties here, like the election date being mentioned. Your Cs have that attractive row and good columns, but they lack for diagonals, while the Ds are to the Cs what the Bs are to the As: very similar, just with worse adjacent options.
For Cs we have, for instance, my suggestion Hipkins may say things to the left of his premiership, which is not a given but did happen a few times last time. For Ds, meanwhile, you start to see reasonably unlikely but plausible options, like an anecdote appearing. If you want to go the next step in figuring out your own bingo sheets to try and make sure you're not disappointed at the end of the night, this is it!